Credit Sense
Manage Your Credit Securely within Online Banking
- View your full credit report for free
- View daily updates on your credit score
- Enjoy free credit monitoring and alerts

Adventure Credit Union members have free access to Credit Sense!
Do it all Securely within Digital Banking
Our free Credit Sense tool will give you access to your full credit report, help you understand your credit score, and show you how to improve it! As well as free credit monitoring and alerts!
Getting Started is Easy!
To get started, click the credit score tile on the "My Accounts" page within our upgraded Online Banking site or Mobile Banking app.
Hi, and welcome to your financial checkup. Think of this as a snapshot of how financially well you are right now, how in control, how secure, as well as a guide to improving that wellness in the future.
Over the next five or 10 minutes, we're gonna ask you a series of questions.
First, we'll look at your household spending. We'll ask about how much money is coming in and how that compares to how much is going out. We'll look at how you are set up for emergencies and whether the debt you're carrying feels manageable. Then we'll dive into what you want your money to accomplish for you in the future. Are you just getting started when it comes to planning ahead? Or are you well on your way? And is retirement the primary goal on your list? Or are you looking to buy a home or fund college, or all of the above?
Finally, we'll get a little more granular when it comes to figuring out where your money is going with the hope of helping you save more on a regular basis. Don't worry if you don't have these numbers on the tip of your tongue. It's okay to make an educated guess, and that is it.
We take in all this information and to make it easier on you, we pull in some of the data we already have from your credit report combined. We use it to give you a clear picture of where you stand, where you're knocking it out of the park and where you need a little work, and then we'll show you some steps you can take to improve starting right now, including numerical ranges that you can reach for that are markers of better financial health.
And as you make progress, you can go back in at any time and update your information and your answers. So what do you say? We get started. Your financial life deserves it.
Credit Sense uses a "soft inquiry" which means using this free service will not hurt your credit score.
With Credit Sense you can view your credit score any time without having to visit a branch in Grand Rapids or Lansing, Michigan, and check for changes to your score as often as every day.
Credit Sense pulls your credit profile from TransUnion, one of the three major credit reporting bureaus, and uses the VantageScore 3.0 scoring model to give you a better picture of their credit health.
Gain personalized insights into the criteria that determines your score:
- Payment History
- Credit Usage
- Account Mix
- Credit Age
- Inquiries
Finally, Credit Sense has a built in "Score Simulator" tool so you can see how various actions will hurt or improve your score.
With Credit Sense, Adventure Credit Union members have free access their full credit report in a format that is easy to read and understand.
According to a study conducted by the Federal Trade Commission, 1 in 5 Americans have at least one error on their credit report. Errors could be hurting your score! The best to catch an error to review your credit report.
Credit Sense helps you protect your credit with free credit monitoring. Our system will monitor your credit report daily and alert you of any key changes.
If you are ever the victim of identity theft, credit monitoring is a great way to catch and stop fraudulent accounts and loans quickly!
Within Credit Sense, you will also have free access to educational resources. Access our library of frequently asked questions concerning:
- Credit scores
- Credit reports
- Building credit
- How your credit score influences lenders
You will also have free access to the "Your Money" blog featuring articles from top authors such as Jean Chatzky, financial editor for NBC's TODAY Show.
Mobile banking is convenient and secure.