Compare Savings Accounts

Choose one or more savings accounts to reach your goals

  • Enjoy easy access to your money
  • Earn competitive interest rates
  • Federally insured up to $250,000

A Savings Account for Every Situation

Adventure Savings
Our basic savings included with every membership
Money Market
A tiered account that rewards higher balances
Spare Change
Our debit card round-up savings program
Minimum Deposit to Open Account




Minimum Balance to Earn Interest




Annual Percentage Yield

0.10% *

1.000%  - 2.500% **

6.00% *

24/7 Digital Banking Access
Accepts Regular Deposits
Unlimited In-Person Withdrawals
Unlimited Electronic Transfers
Requires a Linked Checking Account
Adventure Savings
Our basic savings included with every membership
Minimum Deposit to Open Account


Minimum Balance to Earn Interest


Annual Percentage Yield

0.10% *

24/7 Digital Banking Access


Accepts Regular Deposits


Unlimited In-Person Withdrawals


Unlimited Electronic Transfers


Requires a Linked Checking Account


Money Market
A tiered account that rewards higher balances
Minimum Deposit to Open Account


Minimum Balance to Earn Interest


Annual Percentage Yield

1.000%  - 2.500% **

24/7 Digital Banking Access


Accepts Regular Deposits


Unlimited In-Person Withdrawals


Unlimited Electronic Transfers


Requires a Linked Checking Account


Spare Change
Our debit card round-up savings program
Minimum Deposit to Open Account


Minimum Balance to Earn Interest


Annual Percentage Yield

6.00% *

24/7 Digital Banking Access


Accepts Regular Deposits


Unlimited In-Person Withdrawals


Unlimited Electronic Transfers


Requires a Linked Checking Account


Financial And Budget Counseling

We'll help you get your finances on track.

Learn More - Financial And Budget Counseling

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Adventure Savings and Spare Change Savings rates are current as of 11/23/2024 and are subject to change without notice. Minimum balance required to open an Adventure Savings account is $5. Actual results may vary based on factors such as timing of deposits, rounding, and variation in interest rates. Fees or penalties may reduce earnings. Dividends are paid quarterly.  Spare Change Savings is available on Personal checking accounts only. Not valid on HSA or business checking accounts.

**APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Money Market Savings rates valid as of 11/23/2024 and subject to change without notice. $5,000 minimum balance required to earn dividends.  Dividend rate is determined by account balance. Interest is calculated using the Daily Interest Method on the full amount of principal in the account. Fees could reduce earnings.