Spare Change Savings Account

Start earning 6.00% APY* on your Spare Change

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  • Automatic Savings
    Automatic Savings

    We round up each purchase to the nearest dollar and deposit the difference in this account.

  • You're in Control
    You're in Control

    You can easily pause your round up and
    access your funds at any time!

  • Matching Deposits
    Matching Deposits

    We'll match a portion of your deposits during your first 60 days of using the account.

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Round up your Debit Card Purchases and Feel Good about Saving!

Automatic Savings.

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So much of your banking experience has gone digital, so why not your penny jar, too? Spare Change Savings is the round-up savings account that deposits extra change into your account by rounding your payment to the nearest dollar every time you use your MasterCard Debit Card

It's the perfect way to save toward a special treat, create a financial cushion or just feel good about being smart with your money when living in LansingGrand Rapids and other parts of Michigan.  You'll love watching your money grow at our amazing 6.00% APY.*

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  • Whenever you use your Adventure Credit Union debit card, we will round up your purchase to the next whole dollar. 
  • The round up is deposited into your Spare Change Savings account. 
  • Withdrawals are allowed anytime

Minimum balance: Rate Image
APY*: Rate Image

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield.  Valid as of August 1, 2023 and subject to change without notice.  Personal accounts only.  Not valid on HSA or business checking accounts.

Any Adventure member with a checking account and active debit card is eligible to enroll in our free Spare Change program. The enrollment process can easily be completed through our Online Banking Site or Mobile Banking App.

How to Enroll:
1. Log in to our Online Banking Site or Mobile Banking App

2. Select "Settings" from the menu.  Then select "Accounts."  Finally, select "Spare Change."

3. On the Spare Change page, toggle the switch to opt in to the transaction round up program.

4. Select the checking account from which debit card transactions will be rounded up.  Lastly, select the destination account to receive your deposits.  Click "Save."

That's it!  You are now enrolled in our Spare Change program.  If you need to pause your transaction round up, you can do so at any time by toggling the switch to "opt out."  If you need to access your Spare Change funds, you can transfer them to another account using digital banking.