With Credit Sense you can view your credit score any time without having to visit a branch in Grand Rapids or Lansing, Michigan, and check for updates (i.e., changes to your score) as often as every day. Credit Sense uses a "soft inquiry;" checking your score with Credit Sense will not hurt your score.
Credit Sense pulls your credit profile from TransUnion, one of the three major credit reporting bureaus, and uses VantageScore 3.0, a credit scoring model developed collaboratively by the three major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. The VantageScore model seeks to make score information more uniform between the three bureaus to provide consumers a better picture of their credit health.
You can also learn how to improve your score by seeing what you're doing right and wrong with the criteria that determines your score:
- Payment History
- Credit Usage
- Account Mix
- Credit Age
- Inquiries
Finally, Credit Sense has a built in "Score Simulator" tool so you can see how various actions will hurt or improve your score. For example, how will opening a new credit card impact your score? Know you can find out before you act!